Chicken Shoot. Can you score 50,000 to unlock Moon Shine Bar & Grill shoot? You'll have to to play to get it! Chicken Shoot is a simple target shoot game. You shoot the pesky brown chickens that are in farmer Jacks barn. Don't shoot the farmers prize Gold chickens that pop up from time to time or the game is over!! You have to shoot them fast before they disappear or you lose a life. As the game progresses, more and more chickens appear. 9 total. When the game progresses, the points go up also and it's easier to get to a 5 star ranking and get to the 50,000 point goal. You have to reload your gun when it's empty too. Jack the farmer will let you know when to reload. Score 50,000 or more to unlock a special level called "Moon Shine Bar & Grill" or you can purchase the unlock code too. Enjoy and get shootin those chickens, but don't shoot the gold ones!!!
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